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Follow my colorful days and development as a graphic design student, experiencing a new life in warm Sydney on Billy Blue Collage of Design, described in detail with photos, colorful writing and other inspiring stuff. What tips am I learning? What is my project at the moment and how do I get to know Sydney? It will be like you’re with me.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

This weekend have been great so far. Yesterday I sketched some Publishers company's logos for our new task in Typography & Context. We are at the moment focusing on Layout in inDesign - I really like that and it is harder than it looks! You make something called grids (can call thm help lines), in inDesign between the different elements, to help you with he layout but also with consistency and harmony. We are about to make short booklets (8 p.) and display one of the following Typographic heroes; Eric Gill, Frederic Goudy, Jan Tschichold or John Baskerville. The text, grid and even the images are already made for us. The task is to lay out all different elements in the book including cover and back, to make it consistent and to make it reflect the feeling of whom we have chosen to write about. It is pretty interesting to read about these guys and emerge myself in this for me new world of Typography.

The logos I am sketching on for this is a publisher's logo to be put in the back on the booklet. 

Yesterday I hang out with a guy from the hostel. He told me that BB King is playing in Sydney soon! I THINK I HAVE TO GO!


Annamamma said...

Fine typography can be a true artform! So glad you are "seeing the light" and enjoying it :)

Unknown said...

BB King är helläckert!